Brad Pitt dropped $300K on a diamond necklace for Angelina Jolie in Hong Kong

^This is a photo of Angelina Jolie from 2004. It was the first thing that came up on one of our photo agencies and I just had a moment of falling in love with Angie all over again when I saw the old pics. I still think Angelina is extraordinarily beautiful, of course, but g—damn if the 2003-05 period wasn’t her most mind-blowingly gorgeous stage. So just for the hell of it, all of the photos in this post are from Angelina’s promotional tour for Alexander (late 2004/early 2005).

I have a real reason to discuss Angelina though! Angelina and Brad finally reunited last weekend after spending several weeks (or maybe a month) apart. Brad was in Telluride and Toronto for the film festivals, to promote 12 Years a Slave, then he was in England working on Fury. During that same time, Angelina and the kids were in Australia while Angelina scouted locations for Unbroken. But they finally reunited… in Hong Kong! Angelina brought Knox and Vivienne to spend time with Daddy. But it was something of a romantic getaway, a short respite from their busy schedules until, I’m hoping, Brad finished up with Fury soon enough. So hopefully Angelina got some alone-time with Brad (“Big Daddy”) too.

We got a tip from an Angeloonie about a shopping excursion Brad and Angelina took while in Hong Kong too. Apparently, they went to a fancy jewelry store and Brad dropped about $300,000 on a diamond necklace for Angelina plus three watches. I don’t know if the watches were presents Brad was giving to himself, or if Angelina gets a watch and a diamond necklace or what. I want to see the necklace though. You can see a video (of photos) from their shopping trip here.

Photos courtesy of WENN.
