An appalling and horrendous occurrence happened in the existence of a guiltless youth in 2007, when another high schooler mental case killed him. It is accounted for that they were both fixated on the computer game Tibia.
Daniel Felipe Petry was born in Blumenau, Santa Catarina, in the year 1991. According to the YouTube channel Dark n Grim, Daniel Petry was a harmed adolescent kid. A 16-year-old Santa Catarina local invested the greater part of his energy assuming virtual internet based part messing around, like Tibia.
Daniel was dependent on the Internet and responded brutally and rapidly at the smallest incitement. He went through mental assessment and treatment, yet the kid never finished the treatment meetings; all things considered, he exited and went to the Internet.
He physically manhandled and killed Gabriel Kuhn, a 12-year-old kid, when he wouldn’t discount in-game cash. Petry was captured and blamed for Gabriel’s homicide, and he was condemned to three years in an adolescent detainment office. At the point when Petry was detained, he pledged to retaliate for Gabriel when he thought that he is in hellfire.
A few extra web sources have gathered the pieces of this staggering occurrence. One of the YouTubers, whose channel name is recorded above, has likewise transferred a video about this subject.
As indicated by the YouTuber, on July 27, 2007, Daniel went to Gabriel’s home, where Gabriel was distant from everyone else and gone up against him. Gabriel consented to give him access after he rang the ring. Daniel pummeled him to the ground and started whipping him hardheartedly.
He constrained Gabriel into his room and physically attacked him. He took steps to tell his folks as he shouted and shouted. Daniel didn’t need any of it and proclaimed that Gabriel would die at that moment.
An insulted Daniel started to manhandle him, splattering blood all around his bedsheets. He then, at that point, took a link and tied it around his neck, crushing the life from him till he dropped.
Daniel Felipe Petry was born in 1991 in Blumenau, Santa Catarina (Brazil). Since he was a child he was a rebellious, aggressive boy and he reacted with unusual violence at the slightest provocation. He was under psychiatric treatment, but he always abandoned the therapies. His
— ig: horrorpicturewbu 👹 (@horrorpicswbu) March 22, 2020
Daniel then, at that point, organized to cover the supposed body in an open bring forth in the roof that prompted an upper room in the lobby. He attempted to raise his body over his shoulders yet acknowledged he was excessively weighty.
He chose to go to the house’s carport and gotten back with a hacksaw. Daniel started sawing the adolescent’s left leg. Gabriel recovered awareness after this and yelled in dread and horrendous aggravation.
Petry was not happy with his savageries and saw off his right leg. Gabriel at last stopped shouting and went into shock because of the blood misfortune. Petry attempted again to lift the body into the secret entryway, trusting he would hide the body, yet he couldn’t do as such.
The psycho teen concealed the ruined body underneath the open incubate toward the side of the room. He fled from the awful scene, passing on it for his paralyzed family to reveal when they returned. In any case, this case isn’t yet reported on Wikipedia. Maybe it will be added there too, for the more extensive public’s advantage.