Jakson Mattoon Age, Birthday, Height, Education, Father of Shawnee Smiths son

Jakson Mattoon is the son of American actress, Shawnee Mattoon.

Jakson Mattoon age

How old is Jakson Mattoon? What is Jakson Mattoonage? What age is Jakson Mattoon? Jakson Mattoon is 17 years old.

Jakson Mattoon birthday

When does Jakson Mattoon celebrate his birthday? What is Jakson Mattoon’s birthday? Jakson Mattoon celebrates his birthday every December 12.

Jakson Mattoon date of birth

When was Jakson Mattoon born?What is Jakson Mattoon’s date of birth? Jakson Mattoon was born on December 12, 2005.

Jakson Mattoon Education

What is Jakson Mattoon’s educational background? Which school does Jakson Mattoon attend? Where does Jakson Mattoon attend school? Jakson Mattoon’s educational background is not known yet.

Jakson Mattoon father

Who is Jakson Mattoon’s father? who was Jakson Mattoon born to? Jakson Mattoon was born to Kai Mattoon.

His parents were married for just one year; from 2005 to 2006. There is very little information about him. His personal information is not known yet.
