Josh Homme: Fianc, net worth, tattoos, smoking & body facts

On 17-5-1973 Josh Homme (nickname: Baby Duck) was born in Joshua Tree, California, United States. He made his 10 million dollar fortune with Kyuss & Queens of the Stone Age. The musician his starsign is Taurus and he is now 49 years of age.

Josh Homme Facts & Wiki

Where does Josh Homme live? And how much money does Josh Homme earn?

Birth Date17-5-1973
Religion – believes in God?Non-religious
ResidenceHe lives in an unknown fashion in United States.

Josh Homme Net Worth, Salary, Cars & Houses

Josh Homme is an American rock musician and record producer who has accumulated a net worth of $10 million dollars. He is known as the lead singer and guitarist of Queens Of The Stone Age. He is also the member rock band Eagles of Death Metal and Kyuss.

Estimated Net Worth10 million
Yearly SalaryN/A
ColleaguesIggy Pop, Lady Gaga & CRX



      Josh Homme: Fiancé, Dating, Family & Friends

      In 2005, Josh Homme married Australian singer Brody Dalle. The couple has three children together. In 2019, Brody filed for divorce due to Josh’s alcoholism and drug abuse.

      Who is Josh Homme dating in 2023?

      Relationship statusMarried
      PartnerCurrently in no confirmed relationship
      Ex-girlfriends or ex-wivesBrody Dalle
      More infoWas previously married and divorced
      Has any kids?Yes, father of: Camille, Wolf & Orrin

      Shall the American musician Josh Homme find love in 2023?


      He might have befriended Iggy Pop, Lady Gaga & CRX, but what about family?
      Names of father, mother, kids, brothers & sisters:

        Michael Homme (Father)

        Irene Homme (Mother)

      • Camille Harley Joan Homme (Daughter)

      • Orrin Ryder Homme (Son)

      • Wolf Dillon Reece Homme (Son)


      • Jesse Hughes

      • Alain Johannes

      • Joey Castello

      Height, Weight, Body Measurements, Tattoos, Skin, Hair & Eye Color

      This enigmatic musician originating from Joshua Tree, California, United States has a tall body & long face type.
      Hair colorRed
      Hairstylecomb over
      Beard or MustacheBeardless
      Eye ColorBlue
      Height193 cm
      Weight70 kilo
      Feet sizeN/A
      Does Josh Homme smoke?Yes, regularly

      Does Josh Homme have a tattoo?Yes

      Finger tattoo

      Left lower arm tattoo

      Right lower arm tattoo

      Official websites/fansites:
      Does Josh Homme have official Social Media profiles?
