100m and 200m world champion Noah Lyles was recently taught some Jamaican dance moves by girlfriend and athlete Junelle Bromfield. Moreover, impressed by her boyfriend’s fast learning skills, she invited 200m world champion Shericka Jackson and Jamaican podcaster and radio show host, Kareem Weathers, for the 'next party'.
American athlete Noah Lyles has been dating Jamaican sprinter Junelle Bromfield for the past year. On several occasions, the couple is spotted partying at different locations in Jamaica.
In fact, after the conclusion of the Diamond League Finale, Lyles and Bromfield went to Jamaica to relax at the Moon Palace — a powder-sand paradise in Jamaica. Nevertheless, they were also joined by athletes Shericka Jackson and Micheal Campbell.
In another instance, Lyles recently partied at a Jamaican club alongside his girlfriend and the country’s top celebrities. In one of his Instagram stories, Weathers was seen as highly impressed by Lyles’s dancing skills. In fact, he praised Junelle Bromfield for teaching him right and that he would soon be a full Jamaican.
So, recently, Noah Lyles’s girlfriend did a great job of engaging in a casual dance session with him. In the video, the couple was seen grooving to peppy Jamaican music with Lyles carefully trying to cope with Bromfield’s steps.
Lyles’s girlfriend shared the video on her Instagram story, saying,
"Noah ready for the next party!!!"She also invited Shericka Jackson and Kareem Weathers to join their next party with them, adding:
"@kareembwoyatingz @sherickajackso weh unuh say teach him some Jamaican dances???"Jackson, who was excited by watching the couple dancing in the video, re-shared it on her Instagram story and wrote:
"Party them dead yah now lol haha"A quick glance at Noah Lyles’s girlfriend Junelle Bromfield
Noah Lyles’s girlfriend Junelle Bromfield was born on February 8, 1998, and brought up in in Jamaica. The 25-year-old is a sprinter who specializes in the 4x400-meter relay. Bromfield has won a great deal of accolades so far in her athletic career.
The athlete won a bronze medal at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics in the 4x400m relay event and a silver medal in the same category at the 2022 World Athletics Championships. She also has a gold medal at the 2022 World Indoor Championships.
Bromfield has been dating Lyles for the past year. She was also present at the stadium to support her American boyfriend at the 2023 World Athletics Championships.
In one of the instances from the championship, Lyles was spotted hugging Bromfield in the audience after he hit a double sprint in the 100m and 200m races.
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