Who Is Gina Tew? Meet The TikTok Model Linked To Chris Brown and Nick Cannon

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Who Is Gina Tew? Meet The TikTok

Gina Tew was known for her presence on social media. She is an Instagram model and social media influencer. The model is 27 years old as of now. It is sad how her health is deteriorating at his youthful age. 

Since the time she shared her dreadful truth, her fans have flooded social media with their comments, especially on Twitter. Some other shows concern about Chris Brown and Nick Cannon too. 

She used to have a perfect body of a model. Her tattoo was a compliment to her profession that gave her an impressive look. She might have worked so hard to keep herself fit, maybe that is the reason her AIDS was diagnosed almost after 10 years of living with it. 

Her confession over TikTok is circulated by many. You can view the video on the link here. If she would have known about her condition earlier, she might have taken precautions earlier. AIDS is a life-taking disease, however with proper monitoring and care, one can still fight against it for a little longer. 

In Gina’s case, it seems like it is too late to acknowledge it, as her recent photos show how thin she became. Hope she could still win her battle with the virus to some extent. 

How Does Model Gina Tew Linked To Chris Brown and Nick Cannon?

Gina Tew was connected to high-profile celebrities like Chris Brown and Nick Cannon. The model spent time in New York City, having the chance to develop a relationship with Brown and Cannon. But, lately, the news of her having AIDS brought tension to everyone.

It is not known whether she had an intimate relationship with them, but if she did, then both of them must have gotten their health checked up. Gina announced publicly that she is infected with HIV and became positive for it.

For now, her connection to Brown and Cannon has come forward, but it might be possible many others could have been in a relationship with her as she mentioned that she doesn’t know from where she got that. 

Did Gina Tew Ever Diagnose With AIDS?

Gina Tew shared a video via TikTok stating that she was not diagnosed with AIDS for 10 years. As per her, she could have died out of the disease without even being known that she has got it. Later when her symptoms got severe, they got exposed to her knowledge.

Tew went to see the doctor for having a fever and feeling weak. She was assumed to have cervical cancer sort of disease. Eventually, the doctor found out that she was having AIDS. The model does not know from where she got that as she was not aware earlier.

She lost weight tremendously and thus lost her ability to walk with her feeble legs. In addition, the social media influencer mentioned that her blood count was too low and she has been taking pills. The photos of her seem too different than how she used to be. It is, however, too ironic to discover this horrible fact. 
